The "GREAT" Kids Group!- January 2014
The theme for the first group session was "Planting Seeds". The families discussed what skills and information they hoped to gain by participating in the group and how they wanted to grow together both as a group and as individuals. The parent/child pairs then embellished and decorated a large plant pot together and then planted sunflower seeds together in their pot as a symbol of the beginning of this new journey in Expressive Arts.
"Planting Seeds" theme pot created by a mother/son team. Title: "The Imagination Planter".
The second session was themed "Nurturing" and asked the question, what do we each need to feel nurtured so that we can fully grow not only physically but emotionally? The families participated in a guided meditation intended to practice the skills of mindfulness to help cope with stress and provide relaxation. The meditation guided them through the concept of being nurtured and growing with all of the things they love and need to feel nourished and then sprouting into fullness. Following the mediation the group created artistic images in response to the guided meditation.
All participants gave permission to have their images displayed on this website.