The “GREAT” Kids Group!
“GRowing with Expressive Arts Together"
The “GREAT” kids group is coping skills group which will teach young children and their caregivers New ways to use the arts to heal and cope with life’s stresses. The group participants will use intermodal techniques such as visual art, music, writing, and movement to explore and express their inner thoughts and feelings to share with other kids and their caregiver. No prior experience in the arts is necessary and the techniques can be done at each child's own level and pace.
$25 intake and registration fee for initial one on one consultation.
$30 per session - includes all materials
$10 materials fee per caregiver accompanying a registered child for designated combined groups
Ages: boys and girls ages 6 - 12
Dates: 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month
Times: 4:00 to 5:00pm
Place: 7602 Pacific St Suite 304
Betsy Funk LCSW to register or for more information at 402.250.7995 or