Expressive Arts in the Schools!
I have been contracted by Connections with Project Harmony to begin providing Expressive Arts Groups to children in area public schools. My first experience was with Fontenelle Elementary 2nd and 3rd graders. I worked with six children for six weeks including two follow up groups. These children were identified as needing some encouragement to speak up in class and to improve social skills in order to make new friends. By the end of the series, the children were talking more to one another and showing their personalities and sharing of themselves in the group. One of the children's mothers called to inform me that her son had improved so much during the course of the group that it was brought up during conferences, and he reported being comfortable playing basket ball with the other boys at recess! This feedback reinforces that Expressive Arts does work and even some exposure to groups like these can make some big improvements in kids lives. Our group was even interviewed by a local TV station to show our contribution to No-Name Calling week. You can see the clip at
My next group will take place at Millard Middle school with pre-teen girls. Please message me for more information and to learn how to bring an Expressive Arts group to your school.
This group participated in a project as a part of no-name calling week which we call "Speak Peace".
Final banner created by the children which hung in the main hallway.
The kids designed T-shirts for their final project together.